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North Central Regional Council

169 Templar Ave., Pinckney, MI  48169     734.498.2493

2021 NCRC NAHRO Virtual Conference

  • April 28, 2021
  • 8:00 AM
  • April 29, 2021
  • 1:30 PM
  • Virtual Hopin Platform


  • Must be a member of NCRC NAHRO!
  • Includes:
    Exposure to highly targeted audience
    Includes Virtual Vendor Booth
    Paid conference registration for your entire agency
    Full page color ad in the conference program
    Pre- and Post-show attendee lists
    Choice of Session to moderate and provide Two minute product/service pitch
    Recognition before all plenary and breakout sessions

Registration is closed
If you are having issues joining the event call or text 517-861-6198 during event hours.

April 28-29, 2021

Hopin Virtual Platform

$99 Member
(Members must be logged into their website profile to get member pricing.)

$150 Non Member

2021 NCRC NAHRO Conference Program - Final.pdf

Exhibitor Sponsor Information

Go to Website for More Information

Session Information:

Equity Matters: Leveling the Playing Field for All
Elizabeth Scott Glenn, Chair of NAHRO Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Adv. Committee
With all the conversation that has been circulating about equity, inclusion, diversity, social justice, and disparity, it is no wonder that there is some confusion about why equity matters to all of us. This keynote speech hopes to clear up the importance of advocating and supporting an equity agenda. Equity is not just for some of us, but as a nation and most particularly as an industry, equity plays a paramount role in ensuring that the least of us has not just a seat at the table, but has some input into what is being served. Many low income communities throughout the United States suffer due to lack of access to resources, amenities, and opportunities. Ms. Glenn makes the case for loving our neighbors and helping all people to prosper, thrive, and grow through an equity agenda that promotes sustainable housing, access to health care, access to economic opportunity, and a healthy environment. Many of us have been called to provide shelter, build community, and improve lives. Making the case for equity and inclusion as we pursue our calling generates hope for a more equitable, healthy, inclusive, and prosperous society that we all can enjoy.

Section 3
Keith Swiney, Motivation, Inc
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the release of the Section 3 final rule implementing the “Section 3” statute. Section 3 requires that recipients of certain HUD funds make economic opportunities available for low- and very low-income individuals, especially recipients of government assistance for housing, living in the areas where HUD funds are spent, which we all support. An “interim rule” has been in effect since 1994.  The final rule is designed to improve a focus on economic opportunity outcomes while simultaneously reducing the regulatory burden on those entities that receive those funds. BUT WAIT!! The current rule at 24 CFR Part 135 is DEAD! The rule does not allow for any grandfathering of the current rule for PHA’s. The NEW Section 3 regulation is parked at 24 CFR Part 75 There are MAJOR changes in the final rule -- join us at our NCRC Conference to learn more about what the new Section 3 requirements mean for you and your organization from industry expert Keith Swiney.

 Key changes in the rule and in HUD’s implementation include:

  • Focusing on key outcome metrics, such as the sustained employment of individuals in targeted populations.
  • Crediting retention of low- and very low-income employees and successful sustained employment in the reporting metrics.
  • Aligning Section 3 reporting with standard business practices and payroll tracking methods.
  • Allowing for tailored outcome benchmarks for different geographies and/or different projects.
  • Reducing reporting requirements for grantees who are meeting outcome benchmarks.
  • Integrating Section 3 oversight into the work of the program offices who are in regular contact with the grantees.
  • Promoting the newly created portal to connect low- and very low-income people, who need jobs most, with businesses who have Section 3 job opportunities in their area.

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

Kimberly Nevels, Chicago FHEO Center Director
Are you unfamiliar with the AFFH and need a refresher on what it entails? Join Kimberly as she provides a detailed explanation of what you can expect.

This Just In….An Update From NAHRO Staff
Eric Oberdorfer, NAHRO, Policy Advisor for Public and Affordable Housing
Georgi Banna, NAHRO, Director of Policy and Program Development
Tushar Gurjal, NAHRO, Policy Analyst for Section 8

Join NAHRO’s Policy team members for an overview of all the latest Housing and Community Development news.  They will share with conference attendees where we currently are, and what they see coming down the pike.  There will also be time for attendees to ask their own burning questions to NAHRO staff.

Best Mistakes We've Ever Made
Panel Members: Barbara Dacy, Executive Director of Ottertail HRA
Tony Schertler, Executive Director of the Dakota County CDA

Join a panel of housing experts as they share some of the interesting twists and turns of how they've risen to the positions they've held and what it's taken to get there. The stories of their "glory days" will be sprinkled with brilliant "mistakes" that ended up being stepping stones. They'll also 'fess up to one or two "mistakes" that took some time to get past. Leadership is about calculated risk and this panel will be sure to have a fun way to share advice for the next generation of trail blazers. Their session will include great examples of how to recognize, cultivate, and celebrate leadership skills in yourself or in others. 

Communicating with Residents
Panel TBA
How we both get information to our residents—and how we hear from our residents—are equally important.  COVID-19 has shown the further urgency of the need to communicate with residents.  But how can we best do this with the challenges of the digital divide.
And how are communications best received from residents, and how can they best communicate with PHAs?  Can we take this further, and partner with our residents on how to get and receive messaging and even how they can help advocate for our programs when communication exists. 


Meet the Candidates

Thank you to our Premier Sponsors!



169 Templar Ave.
Pinckney, MI 48169
NCRC NAHRO is a 501(c)3 organization.

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